

Cookie Policy

SAZABY LEAGUE, Ltd. (“SZL”) uses the data it collects through the use of cookies etc. (“Cookies”) on the websites it operates (the “Websites”) for the purposes of improving the customer experience as well as maintaining and improving the quality of the Websites.
SZL will include detailed information in this cookie policy about the cookies it manages and uses as well as methods that customers can utilize to disable those cookies.

Customers will need to agree to SZL’s use of their cookie information in accordance with this cookie policy in order to continue viewing the Websites. The Websites can be viewed by customers even if they do not agree to this policy. 

1. What is a cookie?

Cookies are a feature that stores information such as records of the communication between a customer’s browser and the server when visiting a website as well as other details such as their input method. This information is stored on the customer’s device (such as a PC or smartphone). Information collected via cookies cannot be used to identify the personal data of a customer.
There are also two types of cookies: the ones set up so that customers can use the features provided on SZL’s Websites, and the ones set up by third-party partners of SZL. Customers may disable cookies in their browser settings and use the Websites; however, doing so may limit some of the functionality of the Websites and prevent the customer from receiving proper service.

2. How are cookies used?

  1. Cookies required for the operation of Websites
    Required cookies are ones that allow the Websites to operate normally in accordance with the requests of customers viewing the Websites. These are used for things like identifying customers when they login in to the Websites.
  2. Functional cookies
    Functional cookies allow customers to use the Websites in a more convenient manner—for example, by storing entered information on their device so that they won’t have to repeatedly enter it every time.
    Some of these cookies may be managed by third parties. For more information, please refer to the privacy policy etc. on the website of the third party in question.

    The functional cookies used on the Websites are:

    Tool NameTool ProviderWebsite
    POINT TACTiX Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. https://www.dnp.co.jp/
    Synergy! Synergy Marketing, Inc. https://www.synergy-marketing.co.jp/
    SurveyMonkey SurveyMonkey https://jp.surveymonkey.com/
    ecbeing ecbeing Corp. https://www.ecbeing.net/
    ChoiceRESERVE Reserve LINK https://yoyaku-package.com/
  3. Performance cookies
    Performance cookies use data collected from cookies on the Websites to analyze the access history and usage of Websites and thereby improve the services available on them while providing services that better fit the tastes and needs of customers. These cookies are also used to provide the chat feature that welcomes customers. All of these serve to improve the operability and convenience of the Websites. 

    The performance cookies used on the Websites are:

    Tool NameTool ProviderWebsite
    Google Analytics Google Inc. http://www.google.com/intl/ja/policies/privacy/partners/
    giftee Giftee Inc. https://giftee.co.jp/
    Synergy! Synergy Marketing, Inc. https://www.synergy-marketing.co.jp/
    SurveyMonkey SurveyMonkey https://jp.surveymonkey.com/
    ChoiceRESERVE Reserve LINK https://yoyaku-package.com/
  4. In addition to the above purposes, SZL also uses the cookie data it acquires for the purposes of use defined in its privacy policy.

3. Advertisement delivery using cookies issued by third parties

Advertisements delivered by third parties may appear on SZL’s Websites. In such cases, these third parties may acquire and use the cookie data etc. of customers that visit those Websites.
If the transmission of cookies is enabled in a customer’s browser settings, Websites may acquire cookies from that customer’s browser. To protect privacy, the customer’s browser will only send cookies transmitted by the Website’s server.
Acquired cookie data etc. will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy of that third party.

4. Methods for disabling cookies (opting out)

  1. Disabling cookies in the device settings
    Customers can disable cookies by modifying the settings of the browser on their device. The exact method for doing this will depend on the browser. Please refer to the Help menu of your browser for information on configuring cookies.
    Note that if you set it to refuse all cookies, you may lose access to services that require authentication or encounter other limitations when using various services on the Internet.
  2. Cookies issued by third parties
    Customers may suspend the usage of their cookie data etc. by a third party for delivering advertisements by accessing the opt-out page on that third party’s website.

    Providers and Opt-Out Procedures

Enacted April 1, 2024

Ryota Tsunoda, President and Representative Director